Monday, November 5, 2012

journal 12

     Tipton has mad the most progress in social skills. He now has the ability to share and take turns with his friends.
Tipyon enjoys playing in the Dramatic play area.
Tipton enjoys one on one time helping me hang up the art work.
Redirection for Tipton is playing with sand and water when he is upset with his friends. This allows him quite time to calm down.
One objective the parents could work on at home with Tipton is to use his words to communicate his feelings when he is upset instead of crying.

journal 11

     I can comprehend better by hand on experience because I can retain the information better when I'm actually doing the project.

My parents who are visual, I use visual aids to help them communicate with them through the use of the parent buletin board, news letter, and daily sheets.

I will reach my auditory parents through daily reminders, phone calls, at arrival  and departure times.

For kinesthic parents I will use text remiders, calenders, web sites, e-mail alerts and opportunity for particepation such as volunteering, parent meetings.

journal 10

Health Alert
 It has recently been reported to the center that your child may have been exposed to Srreptococcal Sore Throat- "Strep".
What it is:
Strep throat is a bacterial infection. Not every sore throat is strep.
How it spread:
Inhaling respiratory droplets from an ill person spreads strep throat. It is usually sperad by sneezing or coughing, or indirectly by contact with hands or objects ( such as drinking cups or eating  utensils) contaminated with nose or mouth discharges of an infected person ( respiratory spread).
What to look for:
  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • Oozing and redness of tonsils and throat
Strep can only be diagnosed with a labortory throat culture.
What you can do:
  • Have your child wash his/her hands frequently
  • Always practice good personal hygiene. Encourage your child to cover his/her mouth when coughing or sneezing.
  • Dispose of soiled tissues after a runny nose. Always follow with proper hand washing.
  • Do not allow your child to share eating utensils, food, or drinking cups.
  • Wash and sanitize toys mouthed by infants and toddlers.
If you suspect your child has been infected:
  • Call your childs pediatrician and inform them of your child's sysmptoms
  • Notify the center if the doctor diagnoses Strep Throat.
  • Your child may ruturn 24 hours after antibiotics has been started.
What we are doing to prevent the spread:
  • Children and staff practice proper hand washing techniques frequently.
  • Staff and children are encouraged to cover the nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing.
  • Soiled tissue is disposed of properly after wiping a runny nose and mouth.
  • Children will never share eating utensils, food, or drinking cups.
  • Infant and toddler toys will be sanitized daily (or as often as needed).
A child that displays any sign or symptoms of Strep Throat will be isolated from the  other children and the parents will be notified to pick up the child.

journal 9

Parent Handbook Policy Addition
  Parents if children are not picked up by 6:00p.m. there will be a late fee charged by the person that has to stay late with your child.
The fee must be paid the next business day. 
                                                                                        Thank You

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Journal 8

Peach Tree Learning Center
October News Letter Reminder
  • Parents we will be collecting non perishable items for 5 families this year for Thanksgiving                                                                                                                                               
  • Turkey Bingo will be  November 15th, 2012     6pm.-8pm.                                                               
  • Peace tree will be closed for Thanksgiving November 20th, 2012                                             
  • We will open Monday November 26th,  at 6:00am                                                                     
  • Perents please pick your children up on time. This is the time of year that everyone wants to go shopping.                                                                                                                                
  • When you leave your children past 6:00pm you are using our time.                                        
  • Everyone looks foward to getting off work, we have had a long day too.                                        
  •  Late charges will apply.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Journal 7

                                                   What Not to Wear dressing Professinally
  Depending on a persons profession, to me would mean how they should dress in the public work place. They should be neat and clean with clothes that fit, match, and free of holes. On this espisode of what not wear, Jennie a 32 year old mother, who had a P H D, was really a sloppy dresser who didn't mind wearing clothes from the thrift store, and off the curb. Buying clothes from the thrift store is fine but, Jennie didn't mind if her clothes had holes in them, she would use pins to close any tears. She also wore clothes that was many sizes to big for her. Jennie is a small woman who is size 0. Jennie didn't think that she was tacky looking. She did not put any thought in what she wore, many of her clothes was ragged.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Journal 6

    1. The Confidentiality code was violated with Eric's mother, because the teacher was discussing Eric's information in public with her co-worker.                                                  
    2. Eric's confidentiality was violated because his teacher was discussing his personal information with her co-worker on the playground.                                                               
    3. No I do not think that the two directors should have had a discussion concerning Eric's disabillity prior to his enrollment.                                                                                               
    4. The mother, teacher, and director should have been included in the meeting.                               
    5. Yes a conversation with Eric's classmates would have been helpful because, the teacher should have let the children know that they would be getting a new student named Eric, and let them welcome him to there classroom.                                                                                 
    6. With smiles, telling the child that we are so glad to have you as our new friend and the teacher could have interacted with Eric to help ease the transition to his new school. Eric also should have been allowed to keep his toy, and the teacher should not have shared Eric's information.                                                                                                                              
    7. The teachers conversation in the resturant was unprofessional.                                                    
    8. It would still be unprofessional for the teacher to discuss Eric's personal information in the staff loung at the center.                                                                                                             
    9. As a director, I would apopogize to Eric and his mother and let her know that this kind of behavior is not acceptable in our program to rectify this situation.                                                     
    10. I don't think the mother should leave her child in that school because the issue that Eric had to deal with was to much and the staff was unconcerned.                                                          
    11. Eric has already had alot of stress on him so for that reason I would not want to move him again.